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Old April 3rd, 2005
OutToDestroyTheEarth OutToDestroyTheEarth is offline
Join Date: April 3rd, 2005
Location: New York City
Posts: 16
OutToDestroyTheEarth is flying high
Default 0% ...... What what what???????

I have seen questions about this posted but did not see the answer I was looking for. I suppose that this is a common question and has been answered many times in the past. So here it is...

I will sometimes find a music video file that maybe only one person has, and this person would be on modem [ all the common overplayed MTV videos seem to have hundreds of sources and are on T3 or higher while most of the rare ones are all one guy on modem who is only on Limewire once a week for a few hours and if you are lucky you are positioned at 60 th place ] so I download the thing at a speed between 1 and 0 and after 12 hours when I have about 60 - 85% of the file the guy disconnects and is gone for about a week or so. The problem is that if I do not re-connect with this guy or anyone else who has the same file within a week, the bar in the progress column goes back to zero. I still have that incomplete file in my incomplete folder, but when the file starts to download again I have to start from the beginning. In one instance I have several incompletes of the same video, most likely from the same person.

As the only way to get this file is to download when I already have 60% or more rather than start at 0% and hope whoever stays connected long enough to finish this time, how do I get Limewire to re-recognize that the file is in there? [ btw - this is not a corrupt file issue. I am able to go into the incomplete files and play them on my Windows Media Player with no problem. One time one of the videos stopped at 99% and when I found out that all I was missing was half the tag that whoever first captured the video had put on it, I simply moved it to another folder and was even able to put it in my Movie Maker and change it to another size with no problem. ]

For a while I suspected that this was some sort of trick by LimeWire to get me to use their service for more than a month, but then realized that since they have no ad support, unlike some other sites, then there would be no reason for this.

Any Answeres????????????????????
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