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Old July 15th, 2000
Magicmat Magicmat is offline
Join Date: July 15th, 2000
Posts: 12
Magicmat is flying high

One last bug (I Promise!!!)
In the Config screen, you can't return more than 255 results to a user.
This obviously stems from the fact that you store the variable in a byte and can't hold more than 255 (0 - 256 = 255 possible variables, VC++ programming pays off). I'm not sure if this was intentional because of the GnutellaNet protocol or if it is just a bug.
I see no reason to return more than 255 results to a GnutellaNet search (which makes this bug moot).

Along the same lines, using the web interface I can't see all of my files. When I hit refresh I always get a different amount of files, too. The amount is usually with in a certain range (approximately 75 - 125). I'm not sure if it's linked to the above problems but it is annoying.

Magic mat
"On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog." - Peter Steiner
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