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Old April 5th, 2005
pondu pondu is offline
Join Date: April 5th, 2005
Posts: 1
pondu is flying high
Unhappy "Disconnected" - firewall problems?

Hey there. Yup, another noobie connection problem.

Got myself Limewire Pro 4.8.1 yesterday night, and it worked perfectly. Tried to use the program this morning, but it hasn't been able to connect, and I've been trying for hours now.

I went to the "Connection Problems" area on the LW site, and went through the Windows XP Firewall steps. Y'know, the and 6346 stuff -- the lot. Still didn't take effect. I tried restarting a couple of times, and turning my modem off and on, just incase it was my internet.

Also went to: "C:\Documents and Settings\VIET MI\.limewire", and deleted the whole thing. Nothing really happened, other than my preferences were lost, but that was the whole point, anyway.

I've also read lots of other posts, but many of them have to do with AOL or Norton, and I have neither of those things. :S

1. Windows XP
2. Windows XP Firewall
3. No idea how much ram
4. 15.8 gb left on my C drive
5. ADSL broadband
6. NB1300 Ethernet/USB ADSL Modem Router (sorry, that's just what it says on the top of my modem)
7. Connecting from home
8. LW pro 4.8.1
9. what's an ISP provider? :S
10. Downloaded LW yesterday night, and it worked seamlessly. Tried using it today and it hasn't been able to connect.
Thanks in advance.
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