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Old April 6th, 2005
OutToDestroyTheEarth OutToDestroyTheEarth is offline
Join Date: April 3rd, 2005
Location: New York City
Posts: 16
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Default Rare Music Videos

I live in the US which means that every music video outlet is either owned by MTV or they have enough controlling stock in that they can decide what music videos will be seen on American Television. That means that 99.99% of every music video ever made are blacklisted at the whims of about 4 or 5 television executives, and that includes many hit videos shown in the 80's. I have found that the only way to see some of these videos has been to look for them on P2P's such as LimeWire, but there are still hundreds of videos I have not found by searching and many others I have found but are from hosts that are so busy that I cannot connect or others who are there long enough to get the first 30 seconds of a video before they disconnect and are gone for weeks, months, or never come back. And then there is the problem of searching for an artist whos name is the same as porno videos. If I was to look for 80's teen pop star Tiffany I would get hundreds of results for hardcore porno files. The same with the rock group Vixen. And thene there are the times when I think I'v found a video which turns out to be an ipod ad, or when someone puts an mp3 file on a video file [ why? ].

I know that there must be many other users out there who are interested in sharing music videos, and many others who do have copies of rare videos on VHS who could turn them into computer files. Shouldn't there be an agreed time when these people could all log on at the same time so searching and downloading would be easier, and they could chat or use the forum to request videos that are not on the network from those who may be able to add a file? Or does such an agreed time exist and I do not know about it yet?
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