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Old April 6th, 2005
StaSh StaSh is offline
Join Date: April 6th, 2005
Posts: 1
StaSh is flying high
Default Dunno what the problem is?!


i'm trying to use LimeWire for a week now, but it's not working very well.

I can connect with gnutella,
i can search and find files,
i even can start downloading them.

But after a few minutes of downloading, the connection goes to 0KB/s It stays that way for a few minutes, then it reconnnects and starts to download again?!

This keeps going on the hole time.
Another problem is that i can't browse the internet while LimeWire is running. "Cannot display this page...."
When i close LimeWire, everthing works normally.

- WinXP Pro
- NIS 2005 (LimeWire -> admit all)
- Jave

Can somebody help me with these problems..
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