LimeWire not opening i dont know why it wont open for me.... i have been and changed all the settings and done this:
Alternatively, you can go to /Applications/LimeWire, ctrl-click on the LimeWire application, choose 'Show Package Contents', open on the 'Contents' folders, ctrl-click on the 'Info.plist' file, choose 'Open With', choose 'Other', scroll down on the right and choose 'TextEdit". Within TextEdit, find the line that reads "<string>prelude</string>" and change it to "<string>LimeWire</string>". Save the file, close TextEdit.
as suggested by sberlin
and i cannot find the installion discs oops....
i went to apple technotes and it said in order for me to repair the problem i need the installiuon disc 1 which i dont have... what should i do?
it was working fine one second then it just didnt wanna open for me anymore....
also in my LimeWire folder a new folder has appeared called Resources Disabled....
please hlp!!! |