Swabby - Open socket leak (maybe) Here's a possible bug in Gnucleus I've noticed that on the Statistics window's Memory tab the number of upload sockets seems to increase over time. After running Guncleus overnight it's now up to 63 for example (I have two actual uploads going). Along with this, Tiny Personal Firewall's connection window shows a ton of sockets listening and bound to specific addresses that never seem to go away and the system gets rather slow.
At first I thought this was a TPF bug (showing sockets that didn't exist), but now I'm wondering if perhaps Gnucleus is opening up new sockets (for example when a push is requested) and not closing them all the time? Also after running overnight, I'm showing one download socket that won't go away even if I kill all my downloads, so perhaps something's getting lost there too...
If TPF's own status window is to be believed (and I'm not really sure it is), these sockets hang around even after Gnucleus is closed. Odd... |