Also when you talk about G2, you say it is different from gnutella because of:
"The main technical difference is the fact that G2 divides all its users into nodes and leaves. Anyone who has enough memory and bandwith can become a node. On every node, there is a table containing the essential info on all the files shared by the node's leaves. Thanks to that, queries do not travel to evry singly computer, just among the nodes. Additionally, after having reached a certain number of results (usually a few hundrets or more), the query is not passed on. Altogether, the use of network (the overhead) is reduced a great deal."
Well on Gnutella it was like that before G2 was born...
Also it is Mike Stokes not Mikea Stokesa
Adagio is Linux not windows
Azureus is mac too
aMule is mac and windows too
mlDonkey is mac and windows too
Morpheus and Xolox should be under Multinet P2P
You actually forgot the biggest eDonkey2K proggy: eMule
All for now