Alright, so, this has never happened before. I've used Kazaa Lite up until now, and since I have DSL, I have NEVER been disconnected before other than manually shutting off the modem/unplugging it. Now, suddenly, I downloaded Limewire, ran it, and my connection to the internet stops working. This goes for both my computer upstairs and the computer downstairs as well. With DSL, I thought that wasn't supposed to happen? The only solution to this is to shut off the modem downstairs, wait, then reconnect it and restart my computer. But then, I'll run Limewire again and bam, my internet suddenly disconnects completely again. Sometimes Limewire will run for hours without doing this, sometimes it will do this on startup, sometimes it will do this after a few minutes. Now, my question to you is, why is it doing this, and, how can it be fixed? As for my computer details, here are some, and if anyone needs to know more, ask and I'll tell.
-My OS is Windows 98
-I have DSL connection through this modem/router thing:
-I'm trying to connect from my home.
-It's Limewire 4.8.1, Java 1.5.0_02
-My ISP is
-I do not know if I have a firewall or not. How do I find this out?
Again, if anyone needs to know anything else, I'd be happy to tell.