Thread: download
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Old April 12th, 2005
eye99eye eye99eye is offline
Join Date: March 31st, 2005
Location: kentucky
Posts: 23
eye99eye is flying high

Its working a whole lot better than it was before but it still needs somthing any ideals anyone?

This is not spam this is my pis* poor 1st website ive made

i think that my compaitiablity setting had alot to do with it that and that i didt have a pasword assigned to my admin account and it logged me in atuomatically as a admin and wouldnt let me chose to be the owner and put in my password at run as and then when i done that everthing was alot alot faster but its still slow to my uk friend that gets 5 second downloads so she proclaims but doesnt know how big her hard drive is lol
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