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Old April 12th, 2005
Titan2781 Titan2781 is offline
Join Date: April 12th, 2005
Location: topeka, Indiana
Posts: 1
Titan2781 is flying high
Unhappy Limewire just stopped starting

I have had Limewire for about 2 weeks now. It was working wonderfully! I love it to death... it doesn't seize control of the computer like Morpheus would so i can still browse whild downloading... however... my friends dad ran a few things in System mechanic 5 and now it won't work. i click on the application and it does the lil "please wait" hourglass thing for like a fraction of a second then just doesn't do anything. I have tried uninstalling it and reinstalling it a few times now and it hasn't helped at all... i don't know what to do or why it won't work... i'm really clueless... i have tried everything i can think of. if anyone can help me fix it i will love them forever...
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