MissMatched File The Host****** is sharing all Music Files With Wrong Names. for example (Metallica-StAnger 8.215KB)
is actualy a Techno Mix of 13 differant songs all clustered together just to make a Bunch of Noice and in the file comments it says ( your a thief for trying to steal from the artists)
I think ******* Hosts Should Be banned from LimeWire and all P2p Servers..and every attempt to connect should time out. is an (ANTI-FileSharing)/// (Pro-Make the Rich- Richer) Supporter..I thought I would bring this to the ADMINS attention that all Music and Files offered from the Host are miss-named. I would also speculate there is a virus But I am not sure..(you never know)-->how far the ANTI's are willing to go
Last edited by birdy; April 10th, 2009 at 09:34 PM.