Well, I'm really confused now. kilo BYTES are 8 times larger than kiloBITS, and LimeIWre measures transfers in kiloBYTES (KB/s).
If you are getting 200 KB/s transfer rates, you'd need an 1600 kbps (kilobit) connection from your ISP.
Anyway, LW will show peaks larger than realistic because of the way it averages the results.
Whatever, glad you're happy with the speeds you are getting.
btw--here's what
http://www.broadbandreports.com/speedtests shows me
2005-04-24 18:11:20 EST: 3425 / 435
Your download speed : 3507634 bps, or 3425 kbps.
A 428.1 KB/sec transfer rate.
Your upload speed : 445732 bps, or 435 kbps
youmight be interested in the download speeds you get from
http://www.magnetmix.com/video.shtml I had a really good tranfer from there today, supposedly better than I should