Take a breather buddy Listen buddy, I understand your concerns, there have been recent cases of several people getting prosecuted in the United States for illegal music and other file sharing. HOWEVER: as an individual, as long as you are not sharing tens of THOUSANDS of files, they WILL not go after you.
You have to realize two facts: 1)There are over 100,000,000 people who share songs and other files "illegally" online... No police organization has the need or capacity to arrest, or attack all such people. 2)The people who DO get charged, or in any trouble, are those who actually: a)Share SEVERAL thousand songs around the clock, OR b) Acutally use illegal file downloads to make money.
What i'm saying is that you are DEFINETLY FINE, you will not be in trouble, so long as you have not done either of the previously discussed activities. But listen man, its safe and easy to share files online with limewire, and no one gives a damn if you download a few songs/videos etc. so long as you aren't giving thousands away online. ALSO dont forget the non-illegal file sharing that is possible with this program. For example, video-game patches, pictures, Program updates/free software.
There is nothing illegal about using file-sharing software, its just how you use it. |