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Old April 25th, 2005
blackeyespecialist blackeyespecialist is offline
Join Date: April 24th, 2005
Location: Leeds, UK
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blackeyespecialist is flying high
Default Connecting forever

Hiya! I am having problems connecting to the server, seems to be common however I have yet to see an answer which works for me.
My problem is that it keeps saying 'connecting' but never does, I have noticed in the connection window I average about 10 different isp numbers which all time out and dissapear after 10 seconds. My Router is a Prestige 600 series and I taken the firewall off. I have opend the correct port and my software firewall allows Limewire to access the internet and act as a server. I am running J2SE 5.0 update 1.

Any help would be super great as I have never had this kind of problem with Soulseek, Kazaa, File Donkey or Supa Nova. I was assured this program was great and so far it has been pretty bad.

Many thanks


Last edited by blackeyespecialist; April 25th, 2005 at 05:57 AM.
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