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  #154 (permalink)  
Old April 26th, 2005
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Originally posted by sashee
I think the program should probe your upload bandwith, then automatically set it to an optimal value, not let the user do it himself.
That's certainly a nice thought, but the way LW's options are set up it wouldn't work. Me for example, I'm at bottom level of broadband (256/64) I can't set my speed as adsl b/c my speeds aren't even within that scope so I have to choose Modem setting. If I allow 100% upld I can't browse 'at all'! I have to limit it back one or 2 KB/s so I can at least browse at the same time. This is an issue for many people. Better would be more speed options IMHO.

Slow speeds are often a result of other p2p clients, most notable Shareaza (Raza) which generally only offers 1 KB/s to share. Could almost put them in the "leech" classification. Most I've achieved from Raza was 3 KB/s.
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