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Old April 27th, 2005
stief stief is offline
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Default Re: 'undesirable' material

Originally posted by P. Johnson
I need to know whether or not using either Limewire or the Gnutella servers = can people put images/music on my server, or can they only download what I have on there?

In other words, is Limewire and Gnutella only for bandwidth and sharing, or are people actually going to start storing images and files on my computer? I want to make 100% people can't put files/images on my computer before I start using these programs.

A quick response would be appreciated!

As Peerless said, no one can honestly put stuff on your computer because you use LW or any similar filesharing software.

I suppose viruses and the other malware he mentions might trick your machine into becoming a source of illegal files, but that has nothing to do with proper filesharing software. Email or Web browsing would be equally at risk if you have a Windows machine.

LimeWire only shares the files YOU decide,so carefully check your Library Pane to see if those are the files you approve.

For a more "official" statement, see the link on LW's home page called "Click Here for Important Information about Using P2P Software Safely"
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