Try doing another search. Sometimes you find different, faster hosts, and then your speed will improve immediately.
Does your DL start fast, and then slow down? If so, how much time passes? Minutes? Hours?
How many hosts are shown for the file you want to DL?
Check your Tools... Options... Downloads... What are your settings?
Who is your ISP? Check with your ISP and ask if they are throttling your bandwidth for TCP or UDP traffic on port 6346.
PM me with the file you are trying to DL and I will try it from here.
I have DSL and I see DL variable from 0 to 2KB/sec to 150KB/sec.
DL speeds depend mostly on the hosts at the other end... if the hosts get too busy, they slow you down to a crawl.
LimeWire ROCKS!
- Geo
Last edited by GeoFan49; April 28th, 2005 at 08:41 AM.