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Old April 28th, 2005
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GeoFan49 GeoFan49 is offline
Gnutella Jewel
Join Date: April 24th, 2005
Location: Silicon Valley, SF Bay Area, California, USA
Posts: 84
GeoFan49 is flying high

LOTR, thanks.

I use Shareaza very rarely, mainly for BitTORRENTS,
and I have yet to try running it concurrently with LW.

Shareaza uses more networks than LimeWire, so
it can find files that LimeWire cannot find sometimes...
Generally, I think LimeWire is faster for popular files.
And, of course, LimeWire runs on more platforms:
Windows, Mac, Linux...

IF we cannot get LimeWire DC running by tomorrow,
we may have to switch to Shareaza, tho... and then
try for a refund on LimeWire PRO...

IN general, open source will eventually overcome
proprietary software!!!

Can you alert sberlin on the chat icon stuff?
Sberlin does not accept PM or email from users.

- Geo

Last edited by GeoFan49; April 28th, 2005 at 09:01 AM.
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