Well this ain't Limewire site! This is a forum & is not owned or run by Limewire. It is run by volunteers who help out people who have questions about their particular p2p client. That's right this site caters for more than 'just' LW users.
IMHO If you can't understand the logic & practical concept of sending a multiple chain search & how it has to interact with the databases of hash info then sure why don't you design one that has no limits or can type a keyword search of over 100 characters & see how fast it runs. The larger the search is the faster the search will run out of energy or else take over 30 mins to get back to you. I've used another p2p program where it does just that .. takes well over 30 mins to complete its search cycle.
I've used LW for over 3 yrs & have no issue at all with the search that's available. The more search options that are added, the more people query why they don't behave as well as they hoped. Using what's available & learning how to maximise them by varying ones search, etc. helps.