Sberlin>GeoFan49>Observations Greetings
I successfully direct connected with GeoFan49 and his friend. This is what I noted.
1. Direct Connection with both was successful on first attempt, using external IP address.
2. Upon Direct Connection internal IP address was shown in red, and no chat icon was present.
3. When attempting a d/l I received a need more sources for the d/l from both of them. Upon clicking find more sources GeoFan49's d/l started immediately. While GeoFan49's friend d/l did not. I had to repeat search and re-establish a dc with GeoFan49's friend for the d/l to start.
4. Upon the d/l starting the chat icon showed in the d/l window. I was able to engage both in a chat at the same time. Different chat boxes of course, but to the same end. Both were able to chat with me.
5. They were both successful in dc with this machine and d/l a file.
Noticed external IP addresses in monitor window when u/l started to them.
6. I was able to successfully d/l a second file from GeoFan49, but not his friend. No matter what I tried. I shut down my LW and restarted. I was then able to successfully dc with GeoFan49's friend and d/l another file going through the process noted above. Subsequent attempts failed.
Note: Never got to ask either one what max. u/l per person was set at. Might have a bearing if set to 1.
7. Upon trying to d/l from either. I could either click find sources, and the d/l would start or click force resume and the d/l would start. I tried both ways just to see.
8. Specifics on this machine while doing this.
Connection status. UP connected 32 P 30L connection stable, d/l speed set to infininte and u/l speed set the same. u/l slots set to 20 and 10 max. u/l per user.
If any other information or more specific information is needed SBerlin I will be more than happy to supply such information. |