*oops* apologies: I should've looked through the forums beforing asking my question. It has been discussed before.. on the other hand: I couldn't find any answers to my question on the forums.
I've tried a bit, and it seems that it *does* work without port-forwarding. Right now I am waiting to see if anyone can download from me.. curious
For anyone interested --> this is the solution if you work with iptables and a linux-box between you and the internet.
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -d $OUTSIDE -s! $INSIDE_NET -p tcp --dport 6346 -j DNAT --to-destination $INSIDE_HOST
$OUTSIDE := your internet ip-adres
$INSIDE_NET := your inside network (something like )
$INSIDE_HOST := the computer running Xolox ( or something) |