Know the feeling,
My wife works in the err adult entertainment industry (Really she does <I know I am a lucky git>)
we have various files which are only available from our selves, and we occaisionally send out to customers at request. the customer files are locked with media protection (my type not telling you <G>) however we share quite a few other media files of our own with no protection, some individual files have had over 60 uploads, and generated some very encouraging responses and further sales of custom stuff (see file distribution systems DO pay) however, I have only seen 2 hosts sharing them... (unless they have renamed them A MAJOR pet peeve)
I understand the problem with ISPs disconnecting users, (I work for an ISP damn I married into the porn industry, I media protect my files and I run a gnutella servent and I work for a Large ISP... I am in NOBODIES good books today <G>) but I cannot understand this freeloader policy, even a few the more Freedom of distribution peops at the office state that they don't allow uploads, as it cuts into thier bandwidth, why... they are only doing the same **** as I am... oh well |