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Old April 30th, 2005
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Originally posted by M4db0mb3er
These spams don't just come from spurious search results. Sometimes one gets legitimate search results (i.e. they are not from a T1 source, have only one or a handful of sources, and the filename isn't a simple derivative of your query) but downloading them results in a spam. It looks like the download "mesh" gets polluted too, and when you try to download a file from a "real" search result, sometimes a spammer gets in at that point and substitutes junk.
(Corrupt files is a different topic.) Um the images I posted on page 1 seem to show differently. But everybody for their own experiences. I've never seen any spam of any other size than those listed (well within 1 KB.) If you're looking for small wmv files then you're probably looking for porn. If that be the case then good luck. Sounds like you've unwittingly selected the wrong file to downld & then been surprised at the end to find it's spam. Either filter it out or be aware of the file size. It really is too obvious to the average user who has been using LW for any length of time.
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