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Old April 30th, 2005
evuldooer evuldooer is offline
Join Date: April 30th, 2005
Location: US
Posts: 2
evuldooer is flying high
Angry Mislabled Files . . . .stop It!!!

I'm getting real tired of spending a couple hours downloading a game or something and then finding out it isn't what it says it is.

The most recent incident was tonight when I tried to download N**d For Sp**d U*der***und 2 . . . putting N*S*2 in the search box came up with several files, the two best were called "N*S*2 - N**d For Sp**d U*der***und 2.CD1.D*viance.bin" and the other was CD2 respectively. The files were over 700MB each. Fortunately it downloaded fairly quickly (took about 2 hours for both of them downloading simultaneously), however I was highly disappointed to find that it was the first N*S U*der***und.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't that filename indicate that it is N*S* 2 . . . TWICE even?!

To its credit, the file worked perfectly, I've never been let down by a D*viance cracked file . . .

I just didn't get what was advertised.

why, why, WHY do people have to make life difficult!?

If any of you out there are changing filenames . . . .STOP IT!

I make it a habit to delete anything mislabeled or at least label it correctly. Nobody will ever get anything from my shared folder that is corrupt or mislabeled.

Oh, and if anybody out there has the file I'm looking for . . . lemme know . . .lol

(S*ms 2 would be kinda cool too if anybodys got it yet)

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Last edited by Lord of the Rings; April 30th, 2005 at 08:49 PM.
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