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Old May 1st, 2005
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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There was a thread I very almost linked to this one but without proof of the results I thought it best not to at this time. One person traced the ipod ads back thru several sections/links to a major telecommunictions company ... the largest one in that country. And so has it they were offering discount iPods (about 20-30% normal price) to those who joined one of their mobile phone plans (well it was either mobile phones or internet or cable or digital TV services. I found the latter out for myself b/c I was offered one. I just can't remember what it was they were selling off hand.

Perhaps that might be the reason (corrupted downld mesh) which certainly does or was known to in the past to have at least some issues. But I'd tend to disagree. How in all heck could it give auto-feedback with spam adds to the same websites & always the same sizes. It just looks to well setup & organised to have this effect for the benefit of those sites or their parent/ relative companies. Who has invested interests in or is it just a lolly pop to attract people to their business. Just a thought! lol

Some links to someone who knows what the spam is 1. Diallers (click on link), 2. Spam 2 ,
3. Spam 3 , 4. Spam 4 , 5. Spam 5 , 6. Spam 6 . All of these point to what these files are & why they should be either filtered out or ignored, but never opened!!! Some interesting discussions if you're interested!

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; May 16th, 2005 at 09:39 AM.
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