thats because yahoo is crap. thers a lot of halfassed anti spyware programs out there because lots of companies are trying to get in on the spyware removal business(if you can call it a business ...more of a consperecey) so they throw together a poorley made program and try to sell it and the "update sevice" . because there poorley made some of these programs might see some of limewires inner workings as spyware because some of the "gears" inside limewire resemble and work the way spyware dose . but all the stuff inside limewire that may resemble spyware dosent do any thing bad , it just conects to the network ,checks for software updates etc. the bottom line is that thers no spyware in limewire no matter what the el-crappo scanner sez .(unless you got your copy of limewire from a scam or spoof site) ad-aware se personal and spybot serch and destroy are the onley true 100% free no bullshit spywareware and adware removle tools i know of . MS anti spyware might be ok too but i havent used it long enought to give u a 4 shur anser, and ad-aware allways finds stuff that ms antispyware missed. |