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Old May 2nd, 2005
shutgun420_23 shutgun420_23 is offline
Join Date: May 1st, 2005
Posts: 12
shutgun420_23 is flying high

TCP: The TCP connection has been refused, the port is closed. Either a firewall or a router has not been configured on this port, or no application is currently using it. Make sure your firewall or router is properly configured to not block or forward this port and that Shareaza is running and configured to use this port.
UDP: No answer has been received from your client. This can have various reasons, like that your firewall or router isn't properly configured for Shareaza, or Shareaza is not running on this port, or not connecting to the networks.
At least one problem has been detected and you probably have to configure your firewall or router for Shareaza. If you need help with configuring your firewall or router, visit this page on the wiki: FAQ: Routers/Firewalls.
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