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Old May 4th, 2005
Posts: n/a
Lightbulb This might interest gnutella users

Gnutella over i2p seems to be now possible. First "working" alpha of i2phex has been released.

Speeds are reported to be decent. Though install and setup are a little involved. Still anonymous secure gnutella filesharing is here at last.

The i2p-gnutella Network is bound to grow. The i2p network itself seems to be growing once more, since the release of azureus, users seem to be joining the i2p network.

I2p now has several major filesharing solutions.

Quartermaster(which is a distributed data store, similar to freenet)

It's communication features are impressive as well.

gnutella client to client chat

Even websites are hosted anonymously and securely over it.

All these features and types of networking work much better and faster than they do through tor.

Anyways back to gnutella related details. After trying i2phex you might ask what's so different, it doesn't seem slower, or have more features than standard gnutella clients. The big difference is the i2p network and it's features.

A example of gnutella-i2p speed, about 2mb transferred between two clients in roughly 2 minutes. Considering how the networking resources are distributed and the client's bandwidth limit settings that is really impressive at least for gnutella.

While most gnutella users are not expected to upgrade right away, anyone interested in testing and helping to develop it would want to check it out this early on.

Oh and lest I forget, gnutella-i2p is a port of gnutella to i2p, there is no bridge between the two and probably never will be, as gnutella-i2p is to be considered a (desperately needed) security upgrade. No more need for complicated marginally effective ipfiltering, blocklists, tricks, etc. Anyways in order to use i2phex you must be running a i2p node/router.

Why bother with unsafe, vulnerable gnutella networking, now that an upgrade exists. Now there is finally a choice.

Further details and links concerning i2p, i2phex and anonymous secure filesharing can be found at Planetpeer Forums.
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