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Old May 4th, 2005
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Default Re: Yes---how does it work?

Originally posted by Caryl
I would like an answer, too--how does file sharing work? When I download a song or songs, are my files open to other people to upload? And how do I know which files they are?
Ah, starting from zero here...

No problems... That is why Gnutellaforums is here...

As a basic starter, YOU are in charge of any and all files that can be allowed to be shared to others.

You must 'configure' your p2p 'client' (i.e. LimeWire or BearShare or whatever) so that YOU control what folders and files will be included in your 'group' of shared folders/files.

Have a look around these forums as there are many, many posts on this subject...

Last, for now...

We need to know what 'client' you are using... There are slight to enormous differences as far as specific advice to you is concerned... Not all of the 'clients' (p2p filesharing progs) are the same, OK ?

The more info from you, from the very first post, the better !!!
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