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Old May 5th, 2005
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cathodraytube cathodraytube is offline
Join Date: March 6th, 2005
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Question port scans and...

my firewall keeps giving me a window/warning that sez "intrusion attempt blocked type: port scan" . what exactley is a port scan agen?? and are they dangorus and whos doing it? and how do they work and what are they for? any help greatley apresheated.

also now on a competley different tangent... im am into lossless music and its helltrying to find it on limewire because thers so many idiots out there that share wavs that were made from 128k mp3s . if its not to much troble if any one has any of the folowing songs in .WAV format and you ripped them from the origanal cd could you please somehow send them to me (like do the direct conect feture in LW or somthing ) or label them with somthing completley random ,like put the word "KETCHUP" after the title or somthing so i can serch 4 and find them esiley. alsow i know asking like this might be bending the rules a little but moast of the songs i allredy have or had on a cd that got scrtched or i had it on cassett so dling them would be the same as a fair use backup copy .

dire strates-"money for nothing" the long verson, lenard skinard sweet home alabama, smash mouth -all star, smash mouth -holiday in my head,chumbawamba-on ebay,BTO taking care of business,don henley -dirty laundry,real mccoy -run away and the the cars-lets go thers lots more but i dont want to push it ...thanks
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