Thread: confuzzled
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Old May 6th, 2005
no name computer nerd
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Default confuzzled

I have tried every option on this forum, and nothing works!! I just got DSL today, and now Limewire won't work, and I tried to get on through a different proxy, and sometimes it would get stuck at Connecting, and other times, it would come up and say that I had a firewall blocking LW from connecting. I also tried checking the ports, deleting the folder, and changing my settings on my firewall. I checked the port on a website and it said it was running under Stealth, even when I had the firewall turned off....
please help

hp pavilion510n (don't EVER buy an HP, they're terrible)
os: WinXP SP1
modem: westell port adsl router model a90-240050-04
I run through a Telephone Co-op that offers DSL

any advice would be greatly appreciated!

L. Janelle
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