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Old May 7th, 2005
GregorK GregorK is offline
Phex Developer
Join Date: May 9th, 2001
Location: Stuttgart, Germany
Posts: 988
GregorK is flying high
Default Phex 2.4 FINAL released

The main focus of this maintainance release is to solve the most pressing download problems reported to us. Downloads that were growing beyond there total file size, segments not forming to a single file and corrupted segment data.
The problem occured when you were unlucky during a shutdown causing Phex to run into a synchronization bug that left segments in a unclean state.

It's recommended to update immediatly and we would be very thankful for every report of problems you find.

Mac OS X users stay tuned:
Thanks to Arne Bab we are again able to release a Mac OS X version soon.
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