Digital Rights Management? I did a search already, but need want more info! Hey Folks!
Thanks for all the help and the files!
I have been doing my searches like a good girl to learn all about this stuff since I am new.
Right now I would like to learn some specific things about DRM, which I could not find awnsered from my various keywork searches. Mainly being I have been using Windows Media Player to
create a few playlists and burn them.
One thing that is talked about in WMP's privacy policy is about DRM. My point being they say things like what I have copied and pasted below.
WMP says:
"If you acquire protected content from a music or video service, you may receive the associated license at the same time. If not, when Windows Media Player tries to use a protected file that does not have a current license, Windows Media Player will attempt to acquire the license for you. This can be done through your online store, or directly from a license server on the Internet."
"If the online store did not supply a license, or if the protected content is not associated with any of your online stores, Windows Media Player will request a license directly from a license server on the Internet. The license server's Web address is specified in the protected file; most license servers are operated by companies other than Microsoft. When requesting a license, Windows Media Player will provide the license server standard computer information, an ID for the music or video file, the action you have requested (such as play or burn), information about the DRM components on your computer such as their revision and security levels, and a unique identifier for your computer. The unique identifier is used only to generate a license for your computer and, because it is enclosed in an encrypted license request, is not available to the license server in a way that uniquely identifies you or your computer."
That being said do I need to use another media player that doesn't do that? And IS there one?
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU, for any awnsers (or links to other truly relevent threads) you can provide!!!!!!!!!
Last edited by wildflower; May 10th, 2005 at 03:03 PM.