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Old May 8th, 2005
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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If for example you get 100 results in your search, you will never downld from all of them. Simple fact of life. Some will not be properly configured such as with firewalls, some won't have any available upld slots or bandwidth for you to connect to, some may be 3rd party clients that are always difficult to connect to. An example of a slow one to connect to is Shareaza (Raza) which most of the time only offer 0.2 to 2 KB/s b/c they're using their upld on a different network.

Sometimes re-searching the topic again can help, & even stopping the downld & reselecting from the search results. This sometimes re-vitalises the downld.

Make sure you have sufficient downld slots & bandwidth set in your LW settings. Remember the bandwidth's going to be divided between your downlds.

If you don't have LW pro & you're getting Turbo status then you're probably set up quite well. Have a look at the stickies at the top of this section. Murasame's thread may be helpful.

(Let's hope the problem is not your ISP provider filtering your LW!)
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