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Old May 12th, 2005
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cathodraytube cathodraytube is offline
Join Date: March 6th, 2005
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cathodraytube is flying high

it is a pci modem. also let me explain somthing to you , we have 5 computers , an i mac, and older power mac, the old win 95 (now win98se) macine that im talking about in this thread, an HP winxp 512ram p4 1.6 ghz and the brand new unfinished one im building. the hp is the one im using for LW . the old win98se macine with the modem problems is used as a backup web surfing and email computer . iv never had lw on the old one . the onley programs we use on the old one are IE , outlook express ,wordpad and somtimes and old pacman game.
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