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Old May 14th, 2005
midnight_blue midnight_blue is offline
Gnutella Jewel
Join Date: May 13th, 2005
Location: UK
Posts: 81
midnight_blue is flying high

Originally posted by stief
btw, you might want to really keep an eye on the bandwidth stats. Sharing that many files, especially if popular, might run into an ISP capping/throttling limits, for broadband at least.
Which part of the advanced bandwidth statistics would indicate the bandwidth useage? I'm guessing the figure will be in the advanced option, but I don't know which stats would be relevant. There seems to be a confusingly large number of stats there!

My ISP has a cap limit (2GB per day) and they tend to enforce it quite strongly. I'm now running as an ultrapeer and would be happy to leave my computer running to help the network, but I also don't want to antagonise my ISP...

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