Hi to all !
I'm a new user of LimeWire for MacOSX and I'm as much impressed by it as I am disappointed.
I'm not going to explain why I'm happy (there are so much features packed there that it's not even funny to compare it to the competition) so let's focus on the bad thing : the GUI !
It's a pure nightmare from an OSX user point of view : size of the tables (and more generally, controls) not retained when I quit the app (I hate to have to set it up correctly every time I launch LimeWire), when a column size is increased, the columns located to its right are NOT moved to the right (awful !!!), no Dock icon badge informations, preferences window not resizable (I'm not talking about the fact that it is NOT standard to Apple recommandations), column not colored in blue when sorted, etc. etc.
Add to this a general slugish feel and you'll understdand where my problem lies : it looks and feels like a strange mix between a Windows, a Linux and an OSX GUI.
Well, enough for the rant : LimeWire if a great application with an awful GUI.
I'd rather have this than the contrary...