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Old May 20th, 2005
spy1 spy1 is offline
Join Date: July 19th, 2004
Location: Charlotte, NC, USA
Posts: 34
spy1 is flying high

Originally posted by et voilą
Just saw that you are lame, what is the purpose of this stupid zeropaid thread?

Hmm are you actually a FUDder? We don't care about Acronis!!!!
What would be "lame" would be both your attitude and your perception.

One would think that both the LimeWire users and the developers would be just a touch irritated that the program that they use/develop is being classified as "adware/spyware" by any "anti-spyware" vendor when it's most definitely NOT.

I posted this in several places, certainly. Why wouldn't I? Just because you've apparently never heard of Acronis doesn't mean other people haven't - or that one day they might not decide to purchase one of Acronis' products.

I certainly don't want anyone to rely or spend hard-earned money on a program whose developers won't listen to facts - do you??

I really don't understand your attitude (nor appreciate it, when I'm trying to help LimeWire users/developers correct mis-information about their program).

Perhaps plainly-written English isn't your strongpoint. Because that's about the only reason I can come with as to why you'd mis-understand the thrust and purpose of this post.

Have a nice day. Pete
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