Thread: %?&$%?
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Old May 20th, 2005
skullhill skullhill is offline
Join Date: May 19th, 2005
Posts: 6
skullhill is flying high

Originally posted by deacon72
Make It Work?? No.
How can YOU know what to download?? Verify the file on Bitzi Lookup, which you will find on a right click of the mouse when you highlight a file.
How do you know which file to Check??
1. Look for a file with a four star rating.
2. Look for a file with a higher number of users with that particular file.
3. If the file is not registered on Bitzi Lookup, try another.

Yes, it may seem to be a hit or miss deal but so is baseball. Not all files are viable and that has to be understood right up front. This is a user share file program with possible interruption from the RIAA and unscrupulous advertisers, ie....Ipod.

Don't kick holes in the Lifeboat.
When you did a search for %&?%? did you have any of the same files grouped? Usually you would have a number on the left side showing the number of people having the same file.

Last edited by et voilą; June 2nd, 2005 at 08:55 AM.
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