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Old May 22nd, 2005
keakea530 keakea530 is offline
Join Date: May 22nd, 2005
Location: n. ca
Posts: 7
keakea530 is flying high
Default a somewhat informed opinion

It may be informed, but is only my opinion, with a bit of knowledge...there is no way to prevent such material from being downloaded, as this is peer to peer...I have found however, that the actual content, even if it describes "rape." or "incest," is in fact no such thing. Although still inappropriate to say the least, most of what you would see, is simply made to appear (and poorly) that it is what they describe. Now, it is a totally different matter if you were to download any of the "faces of death," I believe is is called, as they do have some really gross stuff, and most appears to be real, if not, in some of their clips, to be somewhat staged, if you pick it apart...My point I guess, is that even if it says rape, it is only for those who get off on that sort of thing, and unfortunatly there are many...but it is, for the most part, just acting...I am offended by it also. My "knowledge," comes from others such as people I know, who have had it downloaded...I've been permenantly corupted, in the mannor that if I see the word house, I automatically see "horse," as there are many animal vids that I was asked to view, and before I knew what was happening, got the shock of my life....oh, and learn. Just Kea
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