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  #22 (permalink)  
Old May 22nd, 2005
Posts: n/a

Take it from someone who's wasted too much time trying to educate such people.

Trying to educate most p2p filesharers is an exercise in futility.

The smart filesharers already don't use regular p2p applications. They adopted alternatives a good while back.

It's true hiding one's ip address is not possible, however making it no longer matter is and that has been well proven already, though most p2p filesharers simply won't do research on the issue themselves let alone want to do very much reading in general.

I classify those people as kaziots (ala kazaa users). Thus pay them no mind. For they are trolls and often unclean (have virii infected systems) and usually don't have anything worth sharing anyways.

Only reason people like us still try to educate anyone, is for the few rare filesharers that can be enlightened.

Heck most people still use internet explorer as thier primary webrowser. When much better alternatives exist (firefox, netscape 8, etc).

The trolls will always care about speed and quantity over quality and safety.

"... A person is smart, people are dumb scared animals and you know it..."not an exact quote for the first mib movie, but you get the point.
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