job segment instead of mp3 I have a weird problem I wonder if anyone knows about.
I have been wrestling with xolox the last couple of weeks (I love it, it must work), first the connection problems, then download problems, which I corrected with help from the support forums. I created folders for temp and downloads, which were indeed missing when I reinstalled and it seemed to work again. Thank god because the search results are so much more interesting than other programs.
I merrily downloaded songs for several hours, (not once looking my files directory of course) and when I tried to find them, my download folder was empty(!!) My loud scream of horror was heard down the block.
I rechecked preferences for downloaded files placement and all was well. Then I looked in temp and there they all were, posing as job segments with a .xlx extension. All named JOB-segment and numbered 1-1 thru 56-1. I changed the file extension to mp3 and they play on wmp just fine. The 3 or 4 that I listened to were complete so what the heck are they doing hiding out in temp?
I hope someone has a solution, because renaming every song I download is not a happy prospect...although it would mean the file names would match the mp3 coding, which seems to get messed up alot. |