Thread: thanks!
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Old October 21st, 2001
noci noci is offline
Join Date: October 20th, 2001
Posts: 9
noci is flying high

the *.txt file in the /Graphing subfolder seems to be the input file for "neato"

the structure of it is something like this

graph GnutellaNet
node [shape=circle,width=.2,height=.2,label=""]

0 [label="You", fontsize=10, style=filled, color=red, width=.100, height=.100]

0 -- 61 [color=orange]
0 -- 140 [color=orange]
0 -- 940 [color=orange]
0 -- 1315 [color=orange]
0 -- 1739 [color=orange]
0 -- 1921 [color=orange]

61 [shape=house,width=.100,height=.100]
140 [shape=house,width=.101,height=.101]
940 [shape=house,width=.101,height=.101]
1315 [shape=house,width=.100,height=.100]
1739 [shape=house,width=.220,height=.220]
1921 [shape=house,width=.220,height=.220]


from the neato manual i take that the 2nd block describes the layout of the nodes.
it also says it's possible to label every single node, using a code string like this:

61 [shape=house,width=.100,height=.100,label="whatever "]

so if gnucleus generated a txt file setting the individual node's IP address as the "label" value, the drawn graph should show all of the nodes' IPs.

not sure whether this is what you meant, or were you referring to the script gnucleus uses to generate the txt file?

can't code, so no idea for that......;P
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