You have to modify the source-code (more exactly: the included cfg-settings) , to make your network the default-network.
You can set your own phex to use your private-network automatically at startup, and if you have a group of experienced Users this is all you need, because the changes in src/phex/common/cfg.java mostly change this, but before the first startup.
But if you have less-experienced users in your group, they might enter the general gnutella network instead (or someone might mistype the network name...).
For those you need to modify the source.
To make the first connection even easier, go into src/phex/resources/phex.hosts and delete all entries. Then add your static hosts in there.
(This isn't in the general guide, because it breaks down general-gnutella-network accessibility to some extent. To make it almost impossible for normal users to enter the GGN, juist delete all contents of src/phex/resources/gwebcache.cfg , too).
This should get your peers connected to your private network quickly. |