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Old May 30th, 2005
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cathodraytube cathodraytube is offline
Join Date: March 6th, 2005
Location: earth
Posts: 342
cathodraytube is flying high

i know exactley whats wrong... heres how to fix your problem:

1 take your computer and unplug all the cabels from the back of it.

2 cafuley take your computer and pack it in its origanal box.

3 seal the box and put it in your car.

4 drive to the store where you bout the computer and have your recept redy .

5 return your computer for a full refund and or just throw it in the garbage . doing this will instantley releve all your computer problems .

6 because you are obviousley too stupid to own a computer.

7 this just sickens me and makes me sad for so many resons.
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