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Old June 4th, 2005
To0nZ To0nZ is offline
Join Date: June 4th, 2005
Location: Great White North EH!
Posts: 2
To0nZ is flying high
Question How About This...

Here's an idea about connection speeds. I for one get a little annoyed with people that have their connection speeds set to...for example, a T1 but are only on 56K dialup. If you have your settings to only look for connections that are say no lower than a DSL, only those in the range you specify will show up in your search results. So you connect to them thinking they are on a T1 and your download transfer rate is 3K/sec. and it's frustrating. So I would suggest that if it is possible to to have Limewire autodetect your connection and place you in the corresponding category based on that connection speed. How does that sound? Good idea? Or Bad idea?

Last edited by To0nZ; June 4th, 2005 at 07:46 PM.
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