Thread: Burning CD's
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Old June 5th, 2005
AquilaChill AquilaChill is offline
Join Date: June 5th, 2005
Location: Indiana, USA
Posts: 3
AquilaChill is flying high

theres a reason limewire will (hopefully) NEVER do that!

have you ever been to a site looking for somthing specific & finding that EVERYTHING else is there? like you go shoping for somthing specific & goto a site & there tons of ads for stuff you don't want? thats how i feel in things that TRY to do everything, i have not come over ONE thing that does EVERYTHING well, nada nothing.

i know you can easily block ads with Firefox, when i used IE i had to relie on the hosts to block em... i still relie on hosts for a few things to block but its still firefox blocking em, geting back to the subject...

i don't want somthing that does everything, it would be bulky & remind me of every other pos out there trying to say hey i rock, i can do everything, when they suck. limewire is good at what it does & is, it won't burn cds in the near future, i appose to that.

i don't want a keyboard with speakers in it a mouse with storage in it (unless its made for a laptop)
i don't want bloat, as many other programs have it, slowing down even the fastest of computers

do you want limewire to require a faster computer? longer load times? i personaly don't, limewire is good the way it is, with the exeption of adding on LITTLE features, cd burning in limewire reminds me of winamp 5, i use winamp2 because its can't burn cd's (without a plugin)
the thing is that different things do diferent things, if one thing did everything then you would not have a choice.
i personaly like having choices, don't you?
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