This is as good a place as any for CVS notes. Hopefully we can figure out some way to distinguish between different days of CVS builds.
Re: 'Clear History' -- my thought was that making it a menu item would confuse people because the actual entries are menu items. What happens if someone actually searches for "Clear History" -- then you see two menu items with that title. How do you distinguish between them?
Re: 'Search More' -- perhaps below 'Repeat Search' there could be an option to 'Send To Search Box' which could be checked?
Re: 'Search More in Downloads' -- Yup, that'll come. It was on our wishlist page and someone asked to collect the bounty on it, so we didn't implement it to give them a chance. I believe the patch is pending, we delayed a bit in order for the existing 'Search More' stuff to get merged in, and still are waiting on some changes to the downloader code, at which point we'll be ready to merge it in.
Re: 'Truncated Text' -- It already does that.

You just need to turn off 'Extended Tooltips' -- the extended info takes priority over extending truncated text. I suppose we could add the truncated info prior to the extended info, but that might look a little weird in some cases.
Re: 'Copying Entries' -- It doesn't make much sense in LimeWire to select single cells, or whole columns. Although the info is displayed as a table, we're trying to get away from the "spreadsheet" look. Unfortunately, because selecting cells/columns really only makes sense for copying the information, we've disabled it (because it simplifies many other things and makes LimeWire overall easier to use). I believe you already can copy an entire row by selecting it and using your OS's copy shortcut (Ctrl-C on windows, Command-C on OSX).
Re: 'Pulsing bars on Uploads' -- I don't believe Apple offers a way to do that for individual progressbars. It seems like they pulse if the status isn't 100%. Would setting all complete uploads to 100% work?
Re: 'Discontinuous selects' -- Interesting. Not sure what's causing that. We'll take a look into it.
Re: 'Odd Search Close Behaviour' -- I've noticed that on OSX also. I don't think there's anyway around it. On Windows, closing a tab works immediately when you click the 'X'. On OSX, the tab needs to be selected first.
Re: 'Direct Connect Overflow' -- I've only noticed that when you make the app unbearably small. There are some things which we just can't support, because the app itself is pretty useless at that size anyway. If, however, it happens on a normal resolution like 800x600, then we could make the text scrollable.
Re: 'Potential dud warning' -- That's just a message saying that a connection hasn't sent a message in awhile. LimeWire will send them a heartbeat ping to see if they're alive, and if there's no further messages sent from that host, we kill them (which will have a different message printed out).
Re: 'Lots of java.lang.Errors' -- That's a bug in OSX's NIO implementation. It kinda sucks, but I'm not sure what to do. It's an error retrieving the localhost address. Are you able to maintain any connections or start any downloads when this happens? Can anyone connect to you?
Re: 'Quit menu item disabled' -- That's odd. Does the UI refresh itself, or is everything frozen? Can you post the stacktrace printed out by 'kill -QUIT <pid>' on LimeWire (where <pid> is the process ID of LimeWire).
Re: 'Not many leaves' -- How long have you been seeing little leaves?