hi welcome. I posted this in the MacOSX forum this morning, and it is possible you could have searched for "preview" and found the thread. I shall no doubt be told off for repeating it here, but in helping a newcomer, I shall, I trust be excused.
""You can download a small part of a song and preview that. But no, not with out downloading.[you can preview the incomplete file while it continues to download, or you can put it on pause].
If you then decide you don't want it kill the download and delete the incomplete file from the limewire library.
(Be very careful what you delete from the Limewire Library) ....that's another story.
I advise unchecking the use limewire player in preferences, and using iTunes [or other player] as IMHO if you hear a preview in Limewire you will not want to continue the download, because it will sound rough as old boots..... well that's my experience only :-)""
The "other story" refers to the File tab in the Limewire Library. I use macOSX and Windoze may be different. With this menu you can chose to share or remove from share your files. Do NOT select "delete file", as this will delete the file entirely from your harddrive and you will not be a happy newcomer.
Hope that helps |